朋友幫七個月大的女兒買了The Boulevard convertible car seat,It can hold children from 5-65 pounds and the child will be assuredly safe and secure,我跟旦那桑看了都很中意,因此我們也決定不傷腦筋就選擇Boulevard的安全坐椅。

不過呢,Boulevard安全座椅的價格真是給它有一點貴,我看中的convertible car seat,原價要美金299.99呢。
為了能找到good deal,我就在網路一路尋找,找到某網站特價249.99,但已經sold out了,也有賣259.99的賣家,但不確定是否要加稅,最後決定在no tax no shipping的tinyride網站以$269.99!
的價格下單了。 (這個特價條件的是Regal Color is on sale for only $269.99!
All Colors Ship Free, No Sales Tax in Any State.)
5 point harness
Built in lock offs
Deep side wings for impact protection
Easily adjustable to grow with child; no need to remove car seat from vehicle
Front adjuster
Push button LATCH system
Patented Versa tether
Toddler pillow
Removable infant body pillow
Comfort foam and HUGS system to secure baby
Plush hand washable seat cover
Weight: 5-65 pounds; Up to 33 rear facing
Seat dimensions: 19inchesW x 26.5inchesH x 20inchesD
Knobs on either side raises and lowers the adjustable side impact protection
Belly pad for comfort and protection
Comfort padding in head area
Sculpted base for a perfect fit
幸好,這是眾人(約20人)合送的禮物,不用花我的錢錢,可是我要請客作東啦,待會還得為了週六的baby shower菜單傷腦筋。